Hi, there!

I was watching videos on YouTube when I bumped into Bruna Magnaboschi’s videos (an organizer). I started binge-watching her videos. Many of her teachings do make sense to me. In one of her them, she mentioned the book Less is More by Francine Jay. According to Bruna, this book is like a bedside table for her, and she turns to it whenever she needs to recall something.

So, I thought to myself, I need to read this book. After all, many of Bruna’s videos resonate with me. Besides she’s been an organizer. She’s also a minimalist.

I’ve been living a minimalist lifestyle for a while, but I formally declared myself as one in 2021. I hadn’t realized that I was a minimalist due to not knowing what it meant but I’m used to avoiding excess and trying to make sense of what I have in life.

Since 2021, I’ve been intentionally interested in learning about this lifestyle. I am interested in learning more about what it is, how it works, and how to get better at it. At first, I thought there was just avoiding excess. It was a broader approach. Now, I’m aware that being a minimalist is to keep in life what’s essential. It’s to understand when enough is enough. It’s to keep in mind that what is essential for me might not be for others.

The book “Less is More” by Francine Jay is easygoing. It’s full of practical guides and enlightening tips. Francine has a friendly and funny writing style. She challenges you with some thoughtful questions about your stuff and what you want to live in this world. These nudging questions make us reflect on our lifestyle.

This book consists of 10 steps that guide us through decluttering and maintaining a clutter-free life. Every step is full of insightful knowledge. She explains sole steps meticulously which I looped them off.

Different from Bruna, this isn’t the book I’d revisit many times. As I’m used to mind-mapping and summarizing books I read, reading my mind maps will be enough to remember all the wisdom shared in the book highlighted by me.

For those who desire a purposeful and meaningful life, I highly recommend this book.

I’m curious. What do you think about Minimalism? Please leave a comment below with your thoughts.


Shirley is an avid learner, interested in self-development, healthcare, and mindfulness. As an English learner, she spreads the word about her process of learning English, that it might help someone in their process.

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